There are around 24 species of hamsters in the world. However, only about 5 of these species are kept as pet hamsters. If you own a hamster as a pet, then you know how confusing it is to find the right kind of treats to feed them. If you are wondering ‘can hamsters eat radish,’ then the answer is yes, hamsters can eat a radish.
However, it is vital that you know what species of hamsters you are feeding the radish to, as well as what type of radish you are dealing with. There are only a few varieties of radish that you can feed your hamsters; the other varieties are too risky! Here is everything you need to know about feeding your hamster radish.
The first thing you need to keep in mind is the type of radish you are feeding your hamster. The very pungent and spicy radishes are too risky for your hamsters. Stick to mild radish for your hamsters.
If you have Syrian hamsters at home, then you can definitely feed them the mild-flavored radishes. Give them one or two tiny slices of raw radish just about 2 or 3 times a week.
If you have Campbell’s Dwarf hamsters at home, then avoid feeding them radish at any cost. Since radish has a very high sugar and acidic content, it is not a tasty treat for your Dwarf hamsters.
In the same way, avoid feeding your Winter White’s Dwarf hamsters any type of radishes due to the high sugar content and acid content in the radishes.
Roborovski hamsters are similar to Syrian hamsters; meaning they are larger and more robust and can digest small quantities of sugar and acid in their diets. You can feed your Roborovski hamsters one or two small slices of radish 1 or 3 times a week only.
Finally, your Chinese hamsters are also another species of Dwarf hamsters. Obviously, this means that you should altogether avoid feeding radishes to your Chinese hamsters. The sugar and acid content in radish is too much for your little Dwarf hamsters to digest and they will simply get sick.
You will find several species of hamsters still existing in the wild, where they are scavengers. These wild hamsters have to hunt for their food, so they pick and hunt for things to eat from the grounds. These hamsters eat seeds, grains, nuts, wild berries, fruits, vegetables, leaves, and plants. However, in the wild, the hamsters also end up eating small insects, frogs, and even lizards, if they can get their hands on it!
Your domesticated hamsters have a more healthy and balanced diet as compared to their wild hamster cousins. Keep your hamsters on a proper diet of exceptional hamster food that you will easily find in pet stores. Along with this as a regular diet, you can give them special treats every once in a while, consisting of fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, seeds, etc. Find out the safe foods for your hamster and give them occasional little treats.
What are the health benefits of feeding radish to your hamsters?
There are many kinds of radishes you will find, however, depending upon the type of radish and the species of hamsters you have, there are nutritional benefits of feeding radish to your hamsters.
Opt for the mild, sweet tasting radish for your hamsters instead of the hot, spicy or pungent ones, as your little hamsters cannot handle that kind of radish.
As for your Dwarf hamsters, do not feed them any type of radish.
If you feed your Syrian and Roborovski hamsters radish, the nutritional benefits are; Vitamin B-6, Vitamin K, Calcium, magnesium, and folate.
Vitamin B-6 in radishes is excellent for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nerves for your little hamsters. Vitamin K is excellent for bone metabolism and encourages blood clotting. As for calcium, it helps your hamsters bone health and makes them stronger. The magnesium in radish is also high for bone health and bone formation, along with improving your hamster’s body to absorb calcium and averting the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Finally, folate contained in radish is excellent for producing DNA material in your hamsters.
What are the risks of feeding radish to your hamsters?
Radish has a lot of sugar content as well as being quite acidic, depending upon the kind of radish. Your Dwarf hamsters cannot digest the high sugar and acidic content in radish, however, your Syrian and Roborovski hamsters can digest small quantities of sugar and acid.
Overfeeding radish to your hamsters can cause them to develop digestive issues, constipation, stomach cramps and bloating, diabetes, and even obesity. If you see that your hamsters are rejecting the radish, then be sure to clean them out of your hamster’s cage immediately to avoid any risks to your hamsters.
Can you feed dried radish to your hamsters?
You cannot feed any dried radish to your Dwarf hamsters, such as Campbell’s dwarf hamsters, winter whites dwarf hamsters and Chinese hamsters.
As for your Syrian and Roborovski hamsters, you can try and feed them a tiny piece of dried radish to see how they react to it. Be careful not to overfeed them dried radish and stick to just a small portion once or twice a week only.
Can you feed radish leaves to your hamsters?
You can try and feed a small portion of a radish leaf to your hamster to see if they like it or not. However, be sure to thoroughly wash the radish leaf first to remove any chemicals, dirt, and pesticides from the radish leaf before you feed it to your hamster.
How many radishes can you feed your hamster?
Do not feed any radish to your Dwarf hamsters, as the sugar and acidic content in radish is too much for your tiny hamsters to digest.
As for your Syrian and Roborovski hamsters, you can feed them one or two small slices of raw radish just 2 or 3 times a week, but not more.
Find out the safe foods for your hamster and give them the occasional treat of fruits, berries, and vegetables every once in a while. Avoid feeding your Dwarf hamsters radish, and provide only the recommended amount to your Syrian and Roborovski hamsters. Feed your hamsters exceptional hamster food regularly to keep them healthy.
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